Studying in France: Tuition Fees and Scholarships

The higher education system in France attracts a large number of domestic and international students due to the reputation of its academic institutions and the quality of its education. However, it is crucial to understand the tuition fees and the available scholarship opportunities. This introduction highlights the importance of this knowledge for both domestic and international students.

Tuition fees in France vary depending on the level of study and the students’ status. It is essential to be aware of the costs associated with each level, such as those for a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree. Both public and private institutions, as well as prestigious Grandes écoles, may have differences in fees.

Numerous scholarships are offered by the French government, the Erasmus+ program, and other organizations to facilitate access to higher education. These scholarships can cover all or part of the tuition fees, providing a funding opportunity for students. Understanding the different available scholarships and eligibility criteria is crucial for those who wish to study in France.

This article explores tuition fees in France and the scholarship opportunities offered to students. By understanding these important aspects, students will be able to make informed decisions regarding their choice of study and find ways to finance their education in France.

Tuition Fees in France

Tuition Fees for European Students

For European students, tuition fees in France are affordable. The annual costs are generally:

  • Bachelor’s degree: around 170 EUR per year.
  • Master’s degree: approximately 243 EUR per year.
  • Doctorate degree: about 380 EUR per year.
  • For engineering schools, European students can expect tuition fees of around 610 EUR per year.

Tuition Fees for Non-European International Students

Non-European international students may benefit from fee reductions if they can prove that they are not permanently settled in France. In this case, the tuition fees are:

  • Bachelor’s degree: around 2,770 EUR per year.
  • Master’s degree: approximately 3,770 EUR per year.
  • Doctorate degree: about 3,380 EUR per year.
  • Tuition fees for non-European international students in engineering schools are similar to those for European students, around 610 EUR per year.

Tuition Fees in Private Institutions

1. Private institutions in France have higher tuition fees compared to public institutions. The costs can range from 3,000 to 10,000 EUR per academic year, depending on the chosen private institution.

2. It is important to compare these fees with those of public institutions to make an informed decision.

Tuition Fees in Prestigious Grandes Écoles

Prestigious Grandes Écoles in France are renowned for their academic excellence. Tuition fees in these schools can range between 450 and 1,100 EUR per year. Grandes Écoles often offer additional benefits such as alumni networks and high-quality career opportunities.

By understanding the tuition fees associated with different levels of study, as well as private institutions and Grandes Écoles, students can better plan their budget and make informed choices regarding education in France.

Available Scholarships in France

French Scholarships offered by the State and Erasmus+ Program

Every year, a variety of scholarships are available in France, offered by the French government and the Erasmus+ program. These scholarships aim to support both domestic and international students in their higher education studies in France. For international students, detailed information about available scholarships can be found on the Campus Bourses website, which lists various funding options.

Scholarships awarded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Higher Education

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education also award scholarships to students based on specific criteria. These scholarships can be based on academic excellence, merit, financial situation, or other criteria defined by the ministries. Interested students can explore these funding opportunities and inquire about eligibility criteria.

Erasmus+ Scholarships and Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program

The Erasmus+ scholarships provide students with the opportunity to study or intern abroad as part of an international exchange. They are particularly advantageous for European students wishing to study in France or for French students looking to study in other European countries. The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship program is another prestigious program offered to international students wishing to pursue their studies in France. These scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence and merit.

By exploring the various scholarships offered by the French government, the Erasmus+ program, and other sources, students can find funding opportunities for their studies in France. It is recommended to consult the official websites of the respective institutions and contact the nearest French consulate or embassy for specific information regarding available scholarships and eligibility criteria.

Resources for Obtaining Additional Information

Consulate or Embassy of France

It is recommended to contact the nearest consulate or embassy of France to obtain personalized information regarding tuition fees, scholarships, and financing opportunities. These institutions can provide specific advice and information based on each student’s situation and needs.

Official Websites of Institutions and Programs of Interest

It is essential to consult the official websites of higher education institutions in France, including universities, engineering schools, and Grandes Écoles, to obtain detailed information about tuition fees, study programs, and available scholarships. The websites of government agencies such as the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education can also provide information about scholarships offered to international students.

By gathering information from consulates, embassies, and official websites, students can access reliable and up-to-date information about tuition fees, scholarships, and financing opportunities for their studies in France. This will enable them to make informed decisions and maximize their chances of success in their academic journey.


In conclusion, studying in France offers attractive academic and cultural benefits for both domestic and international students. By understanding tuition fees and financing opportunities, students can make informed decisions regarding their studies in France.

Tuition fees in France are affordable for European students, with annual costs ranging from 170 EUR for a Bachelor’s degree to 380 EUR for a Doctorate degree. Non-European international students can also benefit from fee reductions, with annual amounts ranging from 2,770 EUR to 3,770 EUR. Private institutions have higher tuition fees, ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 EUR per academic year, while prestigious Grandes Écoles have tuition fees between 450 and 1,100 EUR per year.

To finance their studies, students can turn to scholarships offered by the French government and the Erasmus+ program. Every year, a variety of scholarships are available, covering all or part of the tuition fees. Resources such as the Campus Bourses website, French consulates or embassies, and the official websites of institutions and programs of interest provide detailed information about these scholarships.

By exploring funding options and researching available scholarships, students can pursue their dream of studying in France without excessive financial concerns. It is recommended to stay informed about the latest information and reach out to relevant institutions for personalized information. Education in France offers many rewarding opportunities, and by understanding tuition fees and available scholarships, students can better plan and succeed in their academic journey in France.


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